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Olympic Holidays booking terms and conditions

Booking terms and conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. They, together with the Holiday Information (which is incorporated into these Booking Conditions), apply to all holidays and flights on this website and they deal with your rights and obligations to us and ours to you.

To see the answers to some commonly asked questions, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Identity and Security

Olympic Holidays is a trading name of Travelworld Vacations Ltd which will be the other party to the contract created when you book holiday/flight arrangements on this website. Our address is c/o Interaction Worldwide Ltd, 1 Torrington Park, London N12 9TB; telephone number 020 8343 7300; email Travelworld Vacations Ltd holds an ATOL number 4108 issued by the Civil Aviation Authority, Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex RH6 0YR; telephone 0333 103 6350; email When you book a flight-inclusive holiday or flight-only arrangement with us you can be entirely confident that in the unlikely event of our insolvency before or during your holiday, any money you have paid to us is fully secured and, if you are overseas, that full arrangements will be made to repatriate you. We are also members of ABTA – the Travel Association 30, Park Street, London SE1 9EQ with membership number V8302. As such we are fully bonded according to ABTA’s rules for arrangements that do not include a flight. Please go to ABTA’s website for a copy of the Guide to ABTA’s scheme of Financial Protection. We also abide by ABTA’s Code of Conduct. We can also offer you ABTA’s scheme for the resolution of disputes which is approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute. If we can't resolve your complaint, go to ABTA's website to use ABTA's simple procedure. Further information on the Code and ABTA’s assistance in resolving disputes can be found on the ABTA website. In order to ensure that the monies you pay for your holiday are protected we will issue an ATOL Certificate for all flight-inclusive bookings which will be emailed to you when the booking is made listing what is financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong. We will also email you a confirmation invoice showing the details of the services that you have booked including the price and the amount of money paid by you. You should check these details carefully and contact your travel agent or us immediately if there are any discrepancies.

We will provide you with the services listed on the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative). In some cases where we aren't able to do so for reasons of insolvency, and alternative ATOL holder may provide you with the services you have bought or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder. However, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL scheme (or to your credit card issuer where applicable).

If we are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable).  You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme.

Your contract with us

When you book a holiday or other arrangement with us a contract between us will only come into effect when we send our confirmation email and ATOL Certificate (for arrangements involving a flight). Both you and we are contractually committed from the moment we send our confirmatory email subject to our right of cancellation as set out in the following paragraph and these Booking Conditions. You also guarantee that you have the authority to accept, and do accept, on behalf of all members of your party the terms of these Booking Conditions.  

When the contract comes into effect, we become responsible to provide you with the holiday or other arrangement you have booked, and you become responsible to pay for it. Whilst we make every effort to ensure that the prices quoted on this website and in our confirmation email are accurate, because of the wide range of prices many of which are provided by third parties, should an error occur, either through our own fault or the fault of our suppliers, we reserve the right to cancel your booking with a full refund, if we do so within 72 hours from when your booking was confirmed.

Excursions or other activities or facilities you may book in resort are not part of your holiday booking with us and your contract will be with the operator of the excursion or activity or provider of the facility and not with us.

Persons aged 16 or 17 years old

We will only accept and confirm bookings for persons aged 16 or 17 years old (at the date of return), who are travelling unaccompanied by a responsible adult, when a signed and completed ‘Under-age booking waiver’ form is received from a responsible adult.  This form outlines that the adult signing is to be accountable for any costs or damages arising from the booking or its cancellation.  For certain arrangements, the acceptance of bookings from persons under the age of 18 depends on the airline and accommodation selected and for this reason we cannot accept such bookings on this website. Our Call Centre 020 8492 6868 will be able to advise and, if permissible, book the required arrangements. 

Download under-age booking waiver form

Flight and accommodation suppliers

When you book we may purchase flight seats from various airlines in order to fulfil your exact holiday requirements. Each of those airlines has its own booking conditions and conditions of carriage which are incorporated into and form part of your agreement with us to the extent that they impose a greater obligation on you than do these conditions. You can obtain a copy of those conditions on the website of the relevant airline or by asking us and we will provide a copy.  

We may also book accommodation with third party suppliers specifically to meet your accommodation requirements. In these circumstances the hotelier or other supplier of your accommodation have their own booking terms and conditions which are incorporated into these conditions and form part of our contract with you. We will supply a copy of such conditions to you on request. Our administration charges (see "if you wish to make changes after booking" below); and cancellation charges (see "if you cancel" below) are significantly different in these circumstances.

For all bookings

While this website is primarily intended for use by UK residents, anyone anywhere in the world is welcome to search for and book travel/accommodation arrangements from it. Our pricing is specifically negotiated for the UK market and applies to passengers traveling on a British Passport. Clients travelling on any other passport may not qualify for our UK prices, and as a result, different charges may be applicable and payable locally to the hotel on arrival. We reserve the right to cancel, without assigning a reason, any booking made by a person or company residing or carrying on business in the same country as the accommodation facilities which have been booked. If we cancel any booking under this provision we shall, of course, refund fully any payment which has been made to us in respect of it.

Please note that it is important you check carefully our confirmation invoice when you receive it, to ensure that all details are as you require them. Our obligation is to provide or procure the provision of the arrangements you have booked and confirmed to you. If you wish to change or cancel those arrangements later, you may have to pay an amendment or cancellation charge and additional costs (see below) which may be as much as the whole of the original price of your arrangements.

In parties of two or more people, the person who actually makes the booking (the first person named when you enter those details) is the person with whom we make the contract and that person accepts responsibility for making all payments to us for all members of the party. Conversely, we will send all documents and other information to that person alone, who will be responsible for ensuring that all other members of the party are kept fully informed.


All prices shown on this website are in pounds sterling per person. We reserve the right to change the prices shown at any time before you book. If we do you will be told of the revised price applicable to the arrangements you require before you commit yourself. Once you have booked the price of your holiday is fully guaranteed and will not be subject to any surcharges.


If you book more than 12 weeks before your scheduled departure date, we have arranged special low deposits as follows:

Flight inclusive holidays

If you have booked a flight-inclusive holiday arrangement, including (but not limited to) a British Airways, Aegean Airlines, Air Malta, Wizz Air or Ryanair flight, the deposit payable on booking is the full price of the flight (which will be displayed during the booking process) plus £2.50 per person ATOL Protection Charge, except for infants who will be less than 2 years old on the date of return.

If you have booked a flight-inclusive holiday arrangement, including (but not limited to) a Jet2 flight, the deposit payable on booking is £89 (which will be displayed during the booking process) plus £2.50 per person ATOL Protection Charge, except for infants who will be less than 2 years old on the date of return.

If the flight selected is with any airline other than those where the full flight price is required as a deposit (see above – you will be informed during the booking process), the deposit will be £89.00 per person including £2.50 ATOL Protection Charge for all persons except infants who will be less than 2 years old on the date of return.

Island hopping

For island hopping holidays the deposit payable on booking is £200 per person, again including £2.50 per person ATOL Protection Charge, except for infants who will be less than 2 years old on the date of return. If your Island Hopping itinerary includes flights on British Airways or Aegean Airlines, Air Malta, Wizz Air or Ryanair, the deposit payable will be the full price of the flight(s) plus £200 per person including £2.50 per person ATOL protection charge (excluding infants less than 2 years old on the date of your return).

Flight only bookings

In all cases the full price of the flight will be payable when you book plus £2.50 ATOL Protection Charge per person (excluding infants who will be under the age of 2 on the date of your return).

Accommodation only bookings

When booking accommodation only more than 12 weeks before the selected date of occupation of the accommodation the deposit payable on booking is £89.00 per person.

In all cases, any balance will be payable 12 weeks before your scheduled departure date. Please note that if you have made a booking and paid our low deposit, additional cancellation charges will apply if you cancel; see "if you cancel" below. If you book less than 12 weeks before your scheduled departure date, then the full price of all booked arrangements is payable when you book.

Payment can be made by any major Credit or Debit card.  There are no additional charges if you pay by either Credit or Debit Card.  Where the Debit card is issued by a bank outside of the UK, there will be a 2% surcharge. 

Please note that when your booking includes checked baggage as an addition, the price of this may be non-refundable even if you subsequently cancel (see "if you cancel" below). The ATOL Protection Charge protects you from the moment that you book and so is not refundable if you later cancel.

When you buy a flight-based holiday with us through a travel agent, all monies you pay to the travel agent are held by the agent on behalf and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust at all times. This is subject to the agent’s obligation to pay it to us for so long as we do not fail. If we fail, any money held at that time by the agent, or subsequently accepted from you by the agent, is and continues to be held on behalf of and for the benefit of the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust without any obligation to pay that money to us. When you buy a holiday not including a flight, all monies you pay to the travel agent are held by the agent on our behalf at all times.

Please note that your booking may be cancelled if you do not make payment on time (and we will not normally send reminders) and if it is, cancellation charges as set out under "if you cancel" (see below) will be payable by you.

Special requests

If you have any special request, which is not mentioned in connection with the arrangements described on this website (for example dietary requirements or a need for special assistance) please inform us. We will always do our best to meet such requests but cannot guarantee to do so, and in no circumstances will any such request be accepted by us so as to form part of our contractual obligations.


It is a condition of travel that you obtain comprehensive travel insurance covering the duration of your holiday. You do not have to purchase Travel Insurance through Insuratrip, the insurer linked from our website, however if you choose to do so this option is available to purchase. Please note that if you do not have adequate insurance and are taken ill or have to return home early from your holiday you could be responsible for all costs incurred. 

Privacy Policy

Olympic Holidays is committed to protecting your privacy and, as well as your personal safety, the safety and security of the information you provide us with. We take our responsibilities regarding the security of customer information very seriously. Our privacy policy explains what personal data we collect about you, how and why we use it, who we disclose it to, and how we protect your privacy. View our full Privacy Policy ​

If you wish to make changes after booking  

If you wish to make any changes to the arrangements you have booked after we have issued the confirmation invoice, we will try to help but will have no obligation to do so other than allowing any member of your party to transfer his/her booking to someone else who meets all the conditions attaching to your booking providing that written notice is given not less than 7 days before the scheduled departure date with full details of the proposed transfer. In these circumstances you will remain liable with the transferee for payment of the price of the transferred arrangements together with any additional costs arising from the transfer. For this and any other changes you must write to Interaction Worldwide Ltd (who provide a support service for us) at 1 Torrington Park, London N12 9TB or email detailing the change(s) required. If we can help we will make a fixed administration charge as follows:

Number of days before departure Amendment charge
More than 70 days £35 per person per detail changed
70 days or less £50 per person per detail changed

If it is possible to make any change to your flight or accommodation arrangements (which is not always the case) we will recharge to you any amendment charge made to us by the flight or accommodation supplier in addition to our own amendment charges detailed in the table above. Often it will not be possible to amend some flight arrangements without cancelling (at 100% cancellation charge) and rebooking them and if you decide to proceed with your required change in these circumstances you will be liable for the full costs of cancelling and rebooking in addition to our amendment charge as detailed in the table above.

In all cases these amendment charged are non-refundable and in addition to any further costs incurred by any change requested. Please also note that if on any booking we agree to change the date of travel to a date in another season, the administration charge will be £40 per person in addition to any other charge as set out above.

If you change the number of people in your party the price of the arrangements will be recalculated based on the new party size. If, for example, a party is reduced in size this may mean that accommodation is under-occupied and each member of the party may therefore have to pay an increased price in addition to administration charges as set out above. Please note that any increase in price in these circumstances is not usually a cancellation charge for the purpose of your insurance cover, even though it might arise from the cancellation of one or more members of your party.

If you cancel

Because we start to incur costs or liabilities in relation to your arrangements from the time we confirm your booking, if you cancel we have to make a charge, and the nearer to your departure date you cancel, the more the charge will be. If you wish to cancel a confirmed booking, you can do so by calling us on 020 8492 6799 or by emailing us at If you prefer to send a letter, confirming cancellation, in the post, the address is Interaction Worldwide Ltd, 1 Torrington Park, London, N12 9TB.

Cancellation takes effect from the date you call us or from the date your letter or email is received. Cancellation charges will be as shown below (which also apply if we cancel because you have failed to make payments on time - see "Payment" above) and will be payable immediately on cancellation. Due to having a variety of products to meet your requirements, the cancellation terms differ between them. Please read carefully the cancellation charges that apply to the arrangements you have booked with us. Please contact us if you are in any doubt:

All holidays incorporating a flight

If you cancel a holiday booking incorporating a flight with any airline more than 12 weeks prior to your scheduled departure date, cancellation charges will be the deposit you paid when booking and any administration charges incurred or paid.

If you cancel a holiday booking incorporating a flight with any airline with 12 weeks or less, prior to your scheduled departure date, cancellation charges will be 100% of the total price of the arrangements you have booked with us plus the ATOL Protection Charge, any baggage charge and any administration charges incurred or paid.    

Bookings for accommodation only

In all cases if you cancel an accommodation only booking more than 12 weeks before the date you are scheduled to depart the UK, the cancellation charges payable by you will be the amount of the deposit you paid when booking your accommodation only arrangement plus any administration    charges. Within 12 weeks of the date you are due to depart the UK, cancellation will mean cancellation charges of 100% of the price of the arrangements you booked with us plus any administration charges.

For all bookings

Remember that if one or more of your party cancels this may also mean that the price of the arrangements for the remainder of the party may increase to reflect this.

If you have to cancel for a reason covered by insurance (whether arranged through the link on our website or otherwise) and follow the procedure laid down by insurers, you should be able to reclaim the cancellation charges.

Please note, that if you cancel or curtail your holiday while overseas and return early, no refund will be made. Please also note that the ATOL Protection Charge of £2.50 per person cannot be cancelled once you have booked.

Finally, in making your booking with us you authorise us, without making any further reference to you, to charge any debit or credit card used to pay the deposit when making your booking with the full amount of cancellation charges payable by you if you cancel your booking or any part of it. After we have debited the credit or debit card we will inform you of the amount of cancellation charges so debited.

If we make changes

Because the descriptions etc on this website are prepared many months before the start of the arrangements offered, we reserve the right to change any of the details shown in it at any time before we confirm your booking. If any such details are changed, you will be informed before we confirm your booking.

Sometimes, even after we have confirmed your booking we may make alterations to your confirmed arrangements. Most such alterations will be insignificant and of little effect on your overall arrangements, and in that case, while we will notify you of any such minor change before your departure, we will have no other liability to you.

Occasionally, however, because of circumstances beyond our control we may have to make a significant change to your confirmed arrangements. Significant changes include, for example the following (but this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Change of UK departure airport (except between the airports serving London: Gatwick, Heathrow, Luton, London City and Stansted)
  • Change of your time of departure from the UK by more than 12 hours
  • Change of resort area
  • Change of holiday accommodation to accommodation of a lower official rating

NB: A change of arrival/departure airport in Cyprus or a flight operating with a stop-over at another airport does not constitute a significant change.

If we have to make a significant change, we will notify* you as quickly as possible and you may then either:

  • Accept the change, and the contract between us will then be varied to incorporate the change; or
  • Take alternative arrangements altogether (subject to availability). If the alternative arrangements selected are of a lower price than those originally confirmed, the difference will (if already paid) be refunded to you. If the alternative is more expensive, then you will have to pay the difference; or
  • Withdraw from the booking completely in which case we will, refund the cost of the booking, less any administration charges.

Please read any notification of changes carefully and respond promptly as if you do not respond within the timescale given your booking may be cancelled

In addition, if you choose either the first or second option above – that is to accept the change or to take alternative arrangements - you will receive as compensation a credit towards the cost of your arrangements, or any alternative selected, of the amount shown in the table below.

Number of days before departure when we notify* you of a major change Compensation in pounds per person
Advice in resort to 7 days £25
8 to 14 days £20
15 to 28 days £15
29 to 42 days £10
43 days or over NIL

Please note that the compensation scales shown above apply to full fare paying adults only. Children or others travelling at concessionary rates will receive compensation pro rata based on the concessionary price against the full adult price as shown in the confirmation invoice containing the arrangements that you have booked current at the time of your booking. Infants do not qualify for compensation. This compensation is in full settlement of and discharges all liability to you.

*Notice is deemed to have been given to you on the second day after the notification has been posted by us, or immediately you or your travel agent have been informed verbally or by email of any change to which this section "If We Make Changes" relates.

Important Note

The above compensation does not apply when we are forced to cancel your arrangements or make changes which cause you to withdraw, or to cancel your arrangements by reason of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control and the consequences of which we could not have avoided by the exercise of all reasonable measures. In these circumstances our only liability will be to refund, as soon as possible, the cost of the booking, less any administration charges.

Our liability to you

You must inform us without undue delay of any failure to perform or improper performance of any travel service, whether by us or the supplier of the service concerned, included in your booked arrangements.

Other than the foregoing you may be entitled to an appropriate price reduction, compensation or both because of failure to perform, or the improper performance, of the contract made when your booking is confirmed (subject to any changes subsequently agreed between us) unless:

A) The failures which occur in the performance of the contract are attributable to you or some other person in your party;

B) Such failures in performance are attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of the services contracted for and are unforeseeable or unavoidable; or

C) Such failures are due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (which means a situation beyond our control) the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken:

Our liability to you is, in any event limited to the lesser of the following:

1) Except in the case of damages for death, physical illness or personal physical injury three times the price of the holiday of the person claiming; or

2) The minimum amount payable under any international convention governing or relating to the provision of the service complained of such as the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect of travel by sea and the Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation or any other convention.

3) The minimum amount payable under the contract terms and conditions of the providers of any service forming part of the arrangements you have booked which are incorporated into the contract between us and which may limit or exclude liability in certain circumstances.

Please note any reference to, or liability for, personal injury is deemed to refer to physical injury only and excludes psychological injury, damage or trauma.

You can ask for copies of any convention or contract terms of any supplier by contacting us – details are given under "Identity and Security" above. Under EU law you may be entitled in some circumstances to a refund or compensation from your carrying airline or other service provider. However, your right to payment in such cases will not automatically entitle you to a refund of your holiday cost or compensation from us. Your rights are set out in these Booking Conditions. However, if any payment is made to you by your airline or other service provider, and if any payment is due to you from us, any payment made by the airline or other service provider will be deducted.

If you are in difficulty during your holiday and ask us, we will provide what appropriate assistance we can, such as providing information about local health services and facilities, local authorities, or consular assistance and we will also help you to find alternative arrangements. However, unless the difficulty arises from our fault, you must pay for any costs involved or for any alternative arrangement you make.

Please Note that this entire clause "Our liability to you" does not apply to any separate agreement that you may enter into for excursions or other activities while on holiday

Complaint procedure

If, before you depart, you are unhappy with our services or have any other complaint, you must write in to to notify us and give us an opportunity to deal with the matter.

Whilst you are overseas, if you or any member of your party has any complaint about the performance of any of the services provided as part of the arrangements we have confirmed, you must firstly raise your complaint promptly with our local representative (or if none our local agent or the supplier of the service) who will do their best to resolve the matter to your satisfaction on the spot. If this cannot be achieved, you must obtain and complete a report form from our representative, agent or supplier outlining your complaint. We will have no liability for any claim on your return from holiday unless this procedure has been followed. 

On your return to the United Kingdom, if you still wish to pursue your complaint, you must write to Interaction Worldwide Ltd at 1, Torrington Park, London N12 9TB, quoting your booking reference number and giving all relevant details of your complaint. Interaction are authorised to deal with all complaints and claims made against us and it is important that they are enabled to investigate or forward all complaints quickly, and we therefore ask that your letter is received within 28 days of your return to the UK. Please note that we cannot accept any correspondence or claims from any other member of your party (although you may write on their behalf). If you fail to follow up any complaint made in resort with a letter within the time specified above, we will have been deprived of the opportunity to investigate and rectify it and this may affect your rights under this booking. Please also see under "Identity and Security" above about our membership of ABTA and the approved scheme for resolution of disputes.


The flight times on this website are given for guidance only and they can be subject to change as a result of decisions of the various UK and overseas airport scheduling committees or for various other reasons e.g. flight consolidation. Please check your itinerary carefully when you receive it as it will have the actual flight timings on it. It is against these times that your entitlement to compensation, or to cancel your booking under "If we make changes" above will be measured.

You are reminded that captains of aircraft have absolute authority over the aircraft and its passengers while boarding or in flight. The captain or other authorised representative of the airline can refuse to carry anyone if they are intoxicated, unruly, unfit to travel, or a danger to the flight or other passengers. If you or any member of your party is refused carriage in these circumstances, the contract between us will terminate immediately and we will have no further responsibility for, nor liability to, you or any member of your party.

Termination / indemnity

When you book arrangements with us you accept responsibility for the proper conduct of yourself and your party while those arrangements are being provided. If your behaviour or that of any member of your party is such that it causes or is likely to cause distress, damage, danger or annoyance to any of our clients, employees or anyone else responsible for providing any part of your holiday or travel arrangements, we may terminate your holiday, flight or accommodation arrangements immediately and will have no further liability to provide any further service or facility, nor for any refund, compensation or any additional costs which you incur. Olympic Holidays and our partner suppliers reserve the right to impose a lifetime ban on any individual found to be in breach of the terms and conditions from making any future bookings or arrangements with us. If your actions or omissions, or those of any member of your party cause damage to any property utilised in the provision of the contracted arrangements, or cause damage, delay or diversion to any flight or other means of transportation, you agree to fully indemnify us against any claim (including professional fees and legal costs) made against us by or on behalf of the owner of such property, or the operator of the flight or other means of transportation.


During your holiday we may photograph, film or video (which includes all methods of capturing, storing and processing the resulting images whether in material or immaterial form) scenes which may include you and/or your family/travelling companions. This is particularly the case if you have booked a wedding with us which includes photographs or video(s) of the occasion. In making your booking you agree for yourself and on behalf of all members of the party included in your booking that any images of or including you, any member(s) of your family, or travelling companions taken or arranged to be taken by us may be utilised by us for or reproduction in any publication (on or off line), presentation, sales or marketing communication (including e-mail or any other electronic communication) or campaign without limitation and to the extent necessary you licence us to utilise any such images in whole or in part for any and all such or related purposes and also waive any moral right to any such images.

Jurisdiction & the law

The contract arising from any confirmed arrangements is to be interpreted according to, and subject to the laws of England, no matter where you live or book your holiday, and both you and we agree that the Courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or dispute under or concerning it. We agree any action or proceedings brought against Travelworld Vacations Ltd may be served at the offices of Interaction Worldwide Ltd, 1, Torrington Park, London N12 9TB, United Kingdom and if served there, we will accept them as having been validly served upon us.

0% credit card fees 

Pay 0% fees when you use a credit card to pay part or your full outstanding balance. 

Promo codes

ISLAND200: Save an extra £200 per person on all new Island Hopping holidays for two people or more with no minimum spend.  Can only be booked through the call centre and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount, voucher code or offer. Discount code must be added at time of booking and cannot be added post transaction.

Date last updated: