With the freedom a car gives you, you can see much more of your chosen destination and discover that corner you might otherwise have missed. All cars can be pre-booked from Olympic at the time of booking your holiday, or right up to 7 days before your departure. We have negotiated special low rates from companies that have been operating for years so that we can be sure that your car will be reliable and of good quality.
Conditions of Car Hire:
- Cyprus Drivers must have held a full licence for at least 3 years or be aged min 23 years.
- Greece Drivers must have held a full licence for at least 1 year and be aged min 21 years.
- In all destinations rental for higher classification models (Executive type or high performance) must be aged min 25 years
- Rates apply to pre booked cars in the UK only. Different rates may apply locally.
- Child seats comply with local laws which may differ from UK standards and practices
- Car Types are subject to change without notice.
Please note that the prices contained on this page are to be used only as a guide and are subject to change. For the most up to date prices or for more information about Terms & Conditions for Cyprus & the Greek Islands call us on 020 8492 6799 or e-mail us here.